BANDS, SINGERS, POETS AND MUSICIANS WANTED. Send your cassettes and CD's for review by zeke and surf to ; Greg Stomberg,
RR3 box 167N, Doniphan, MO 63935. franklincreek@netscape.net .
america's red, white and blue patriot act song
rock ; syberite
c 1977-1978 syberite (gs,bs,jh)
you're gonna die someday - the art of time - a lot
better - who will still love you - bass - a bit of non
sense - guitar - love you - jam - i'm so sorry - starbuck
weener - love you - stargazers - our dope song - love you -
ra - guitar - die - nonsense - rowdy - you little girls -
bass - love you - guitar - retro - love you - guitar -
nonsense - starbuck - art - i'm so sorry - stargazers-
ADAM, 2073 A.D. , $5, 60 min cassette from dan susnara, 7806 s kilpatrick. chicago il 60652, 9onbali@comcast.net ,order now, he still has copies left, with dan susnara, ken clinger and greg stomberg, a fantastic tape, the begining chapter
of the adam g-214 political rock opera, side a 'chop socky' is a great kick ass guitar playing song, fuzz and all, awesome,
then dan does his solo version of four adam g-214 songs as only he can do, 'dance of the voids' starts off like pop then rocks
before it's descent into experimental, then he really kicks the song into high gear with some more great guitar and sampler
voices to solo piano music to bush ranting, the weirdness it is, side b is the clinger susnara stomberg mix of about a dozen
songs mixed makes this the greatest political tape of the decade, fantastic mix also available on cd from greg, below, the
last song instru 'welcome' is creepy at the begining then bluesy, 4 stars, order now!.
+ this is a great tape from 9 on bali band member dan susnara performing solo work,
sort of, a fine tape from mumble mumble music with susnara, stomberg, clinger, bush and don rickles battling out the future
of mankind, from a novel by jim hauser entitled 'the canty street papers' and the adapted rock opera by g. stomberg this tape
rocks in every way, cool cover too. (bem)...
+ very interesting lyrics
and a great concept. (m)...........
ADAM, 2073 A.D. , CD VOL 1, $7 from g. stomberg, rr3 box 167n, doniphan, mo 63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , cassette available from dan susnara, let's not beat around the 'bush', the best way to describe this creation is fxcking
weird, first there's the disc packaging handwritten photocopied album art on which the bands name and album title are almost
illegible, and there's the matter of the music itself which is just plain tripped out, judging by the disconnected shifts
in style, the fxckall experimentation sampling, including everything from cracking whips to creepy robot voices, and the low
key chanted narrative we're guessing that the creators (stomberg susnara clinger) have ingested copious amounts of hallucinogens,
either that or they've stopped taking something they should be taking, to be fair they also demonstrate a firm grasp on music
composition, the tracks, or track as the disc presents itself as a single 25 min song despite its cryptic track listing, is
best when combining eno esque psych rock and folksy chorus's still that's not enough to dispell the feeling that adam g-214
simply has to synch up with some oddball movie, think alice in wonderland meets pink floyd the wall, in fact there are definately
suggestions of an epic narrative here, so perhaps it was created by closet genious's attempting to convey an imperative message
to the world, unfortuneately if that's the case said message distortted by the weird delivery method. (m. amos). ...
ADAM G-214 VOL TWO, CD, $7 from g. stomberg, rr3 box 167n, doniphan, mo 63935, syberite2003@yahoo.com , i thought it was a nice touch to add c. goff's take of 'utopia's garden' following the take of 'adam', nice seamless
splice of the two songs, good job, and i love that jazz backing on 'sea dogs', and the horn lines on that song, very '70's
styling, plus i noticed on goff's take of '1984' some spanish vocals, overall i liked the way everything sounds, with the
addition of david dz and c goffs peices, as well as a couple of greg's spoken word peices, a sign of good work, great job.
(ds) . . ...
the adam cd volume one and volume two have been put together on one cd, so now you get two tracks
for the price of one!
ADAM G-214 VOL THREE CD, from g. stomberg, franklincreek@netscape.net , the latest edition of the adam g-214 cd's keeps evolving. (ken clinger). + it sounds great, a good job of meshing everything
together to form a cohesive whole. (d.dz.). ...
ADAM G-214, 2073 A.D. VOL FOUR , from g. stomberg, from what i heard on this disc kc did a great job
of seamlessly patching the fragments of various adam tunes together and greg chose a good arrangements of the songs and what
should go where and all, with even newer songs all included, this is a really good arrangement of these songs, a must have.
(ds) .....
ADAM G-214, 2073 A.D., , THE BEST OF...greg stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan mo 63935, $7 cd, with stomberg,
susnara, clinger, saunders, goff and campau, the best cd yet, the conclusion to the adam g-214 soap rock opera, with bush,
moore, a cult classic, all five cd's are a must have for any collection, order now while it's hot and new. four stars. (bem)
..... + very nice music to vote
to. (m), ..... with all the recent cd's adam now seems likely
to never get lost with this latest best of cd to preserve the timeless message., it's great. (kc). .....
ADAM G-214 EPILOGUE CD, $5, g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , this one has a lot of stuff i haven't heard on the other adam cd's, i like it and i'm glad to add it to the collection.(c.
goff). + cool cd, the adam epilogue is great, i like the ken clinger version of
'lullabies', very cool stuff. (micky saunders). + this is probably the shortest
adam g-214 cd release yet, at 23 min., i really enjoyed ken clingers version of 'midnight gardens' and 'lullabies' as well
as micky saunders take on the 'lullabies' song too, i always liked the jam 'new century nonsense' with greg, and bruce and
jim as syberite, nice guitar instrumental stuff, it's kind of slow and spacey and hypnotic, like the smirking herberts 'mars'
that follows it, overall a good job and very well done, and also the final chapter in the adam g-214 saga even tho volume
4 is in the works, making this volume 5. (ds). + for song lyrics to the complete
rock opera goto http://mystic_lonewolf.tripod.com and click on 'stomberg', bands and musicians wanted. ...
ADAM G-214, 2073 A.D. The Complete rock opera on a 90 min tape contains all four cd's plus more bands and
songs in order, g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net, order now, $5, tapes still available, the complete rock opera, i really liked don campaus's funky take on 'adam', it gave
the song an edgy quality, which i liked, nice guitar solo too, and ken clinger really went to town here with five or six tunes,
great, i really liked his sitar sound on 'tell me', 'spirit' has a nice feel to it, the keyboard guitar mode he uses sounds
very realistic,interesting the lyrics ken choses to perform, cool, i noticed greg had a few new spoken word peices like 'the
ancient ones', 'hypnotism', and 'the hand', nice delivery on that one, i really liked micky saunders take on 'empty dragons'
too, sort of gothic and psychedelic at the same time, and i love the backwards guitar, she's great at that, all in all a great
tape, one thing, there was a final song listed as 'eve 2076' but no song, fill me in, thanks, (ds). +
the latest version of adam keeps getting better and better, i'm glad to be a part of it, thanks, and i love how adam
keeps expanding, i enjoyed it. (kc). + i like this version a lot, quite a bit of
new material and it flows nicely, ken clinger did a great job on 'laws', i love the sitar solo loop in the middle and the
way the percussion panned, i always liked micky saunders take on' gardens' and 'dragons', great keyboard effects on both and
awesome backward solo, cool, i liked the campau take on 'adam', too, it had a talking heads vibe, 'ancient ones' is cool,
with the church bells that segue into 'sea dogs', the music matches the wordplay very well, 'midnight' by clinger is cool,
'fathers' is especially relateable now what with bush and all, 'spirit' is really good too, very well done, david dz's 'sea
dogs is so '70's, with his horns, and he's a great guitarist., all in all a good job on this one, some different angles to
it and a very good mix. (smirking herbert). ...
ADAM G-214, 2073 A.D., THE BOOKLET, 20 page lyric book with cartoons and pictures from g. stomberg,
bw, the rock opera book is really cool with lots of great drawings, cartoons and all the words to everything, thanks much
for this anti bush parade. (ds). ......
ARF NIKS VOL. 4, compilation tape from k. d. schmitz, pob 1806, pokeepsie, ny 12601, $5, order now he still
has copies, nice hour tape from kds, with guests don campau, bowman, stomberg, and more, home grown taping project with nice
guitar sounds, 'boy howdy' is funny, susnara's 'this flawed reality' is awesome. k.d.s. does a good job. 3 stars.
+ comp tape from kds with 18 songs and guests like don campau, m j bowman, hal mcgee, greg stomberg
and dan susnara with lots of kds guitar songs thrown in, cool play. (bem)...
BACTERIAL CULTURE, $5, cd from c. goff, pob 146, lawrence, ks 66044, order now cd still available, wow,
just looking at the cover art will blow you away, c.g.'s unique styling of wild songs and sounds are most excellent and exciting
work, lots of cool experimental psych rock stuff here, he even does 'utopia' and '1984' from the adam g-214 rock opera, i
like it, it's refreshing, political and easy to dance to (just kidding on that last one), 3 stars wild, man. ...
+ a brand new cd, weird wild and exciting, different, good quality, great cover, very original, three
stars. (?) +
fasten your seatbelt kiddies, we're taking a wild ride with the willie wonka of the sound art world,c goff's bacterial
culture consists of 18 tracks that are loaded with his trademark surgical studio cut and paste fun, we've got voice samples
layered in with george bush babbling on with lysergic voicings, the ultimate avante garde show, magic in the mix, (jk)
BOVINE GREATEST HITS $5, CD, compilation collab cd from ken clinger, 311 stratford ave. #2, pittsburg, PA
15232, order now, ken has a library of cd's, has the syberite song 'the art of time' and lots more hits from the super synth
of ken clinger, 3 !/2 stars cool. + a new best of cd from bovine, fresh, good quality
as usual from ken clinger, a plus for creativity, cool. (bem)...
THE BOVINE MUSIC SHOW computer web radio show with your host sally mae hogsby, an internet show that seems
to be ken clinger related compilation music with lots of names like tom furgas, dan susnara, russ stedman, greg stomberg,
syberite, and more home taping radio artists, very good music, great quality, spacey new wave type comps, really worth
a search and a listen, the cd i got was 13 hours of the show on mp3 format that was a real treat, four star exciting.
+ a radio show on computer with sally mae hogsby and a wide variety of recording artists
and many different styles to keep the music flowing, she does a great job so give it a listen a listen it's really worth the
time and one of the best shows on the web! it's a trip. (bem). +
an interesting show, cool, homemade textures and hues, absolutely excellant, syberite 'bass' sounds like the longer version
to the single, cool really and a strange nice recording, a nice drifty ether type peice, the whole show is spacey. (ds).
COMP TAPE TRAGEDY, not available yet from gregorystomberg@netscape.net , a collection of greg's songs that appeared on compilation tapes thruout the years with a few examples of other artists
songs that appeared on tape with him, homegrown, raw and rude trip thru the 90's, some funny rock songs, comps like por madre,
no dub, tribute to sockeye and more, very cool trip down memory lane and the early days of home taping. kewl.
COVET THY NEIGHBORS ASS EEYORE POWER TOOL TRIBUTE, comp tape from thought balloon tapes, $4, 23 songs with
bands like volkswhale, roadkill, s. davey, space ocean, g. willard and even more, r rated kind of sick disgusting songs with
humor, some of which is really cool, songs like 'my amoeba', 'the biggest regret', 'i shut my eyes', candle lit eternity',
'eeyore song titles', 'thee pig slxt', and even the classic 'shut your fxcking mouth', are typical song titles, some rock,
synth madness, guitar, jokes, and punkish rock round out this tape with an attitude, 3 stars for side one 2 stars for side
two. + comp tape of eeyore songs, 10 bands like volkswhale, space ocean, someday
people and more, mature language and songs.(rb). + new 2005, doug nut
of nut music, tony boies, pob 505, ladysmith, va 22501, at nutmusic@hotmail.com has put this tape onto a cd! now available again, yay for doug, this is a must have 4 star collection, only $5!
+ an eeyore power tool tribute tape with 10 different bands on a 60 min tape with about two dozen
songs, bands like uncle dave, blacken snapper, tony boies, space ocean, edith bunker, scott davey, someday people, lando,
moth and more, 'charlie brown was a skinhead' and 'our house' are awesome, pretty weird stuff, new 2005 cd now $5 from nutmusic.
EXQUISITE CORPSE, 90 min comp tape from askalice, ken miller at ken@kenbmiller.com , copies still may be available, no guidelines or themes, each peice overlaps the next, great ? indie bands like phil brulia,
fleshweapon, devis, ray cromie, grudgefuck, space ocean thomas sutter and more, mixed by the devious sinister dexter, scary
goth songs like 'stargazers', starbuck weener', instant sanity', a cool couple sybarite syberite songs,, different noises
haunt the cassette, punky percussion and sampler music, an identity all its own, great job, cool wild spacey guitar solos,
hotter than paris hilton on survivor, cosmic beings looking for a corpse to reanimate give it 3 stars .
+ 17 bands from a wide spectrum of sound deliver a nice variety of well planned songs and noises ranging
from metal to punk to weird science, very diverse and entertaining.(?) +
a 90 min tape from askalice, 17 bands do about 20 songs, some are really awesome, all are interesting to say the least, from
beer, grudgefuck, space o and more lewd crude humorous stuff. (?) ...
FED comp tape from pandora's lunchbox, $5, 18 underground bands like woodpussy, kramer, slang girl, space
ocean and more, with great songs like 'ghosts of new york', 'the sea and the moon', and even 'shut your fxcking mouth' is
on here, a variety of songs with hard rockin sounds, space age synth, spoken word peices, jazz and rap with good quality bands
and musicians, i give it 3 stars maybe even 3 1/2. + this is intended for
trading purposes only from my pal kenyata, lotsa weirdos, 18 bands like kramer, pandora's lunchbox, fossil fuel and more,
classy stuff from start to finish, write him, he's a beaut.(dave schall). + good
underground sounds, a dozen bands from space ocean to slang girl to pandora's lunchbox, wow.(?). +
compiled with bands like cage, gearman, pure plastic tree, time or dirt, space ocean and more, a positive approach
to independent music. (?). ...
G'WAN comp tape from dan susnara, 7806 s kilpatrick, chicago il. 60652, 9onbali@comcast.net , $5, order now there's still copies left, a cassingle with four songs, side B repeats, catchy pop tunes with g. w. smith's
'franklin grove bum' country song thrown in for variety, good quality as dan is one of the best, nice color cover, dan's in
top form as a musician and a singer, 'if i had done that' is a real hoot with little fyodor, country, pop, and even experimental
sounds on this tape, very cool, 3 1/2 stars. + nice looking cover, a
cassette, a good interesting batch of songs that range from country to experimental which they really manage to pull off very
well, good quality sound, nice songs, very talented performers, pretty exciting and enjoyable, listen for sure. (bem)...
G.W. SMITH VOLUME ONE, 90 min tape from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, franklincreek@netscape.net , $5, order now copies still available, with g.w. smith, carol clock, bruce currier, g. stomberg, misty stomberg and family,
not to be confused with the cd volume one, cool picture on the cover, i liked 'oklahoma sun', i don't believe i've heard that
one before, same with a 'hobo', nice clear recording and guitar break on that one and 'his undying love', another of g.w.'s
spiritual songs, all of these songs so far are great, 'believe in me' is a nice one too, i noted the wildwood weed reference
in 'my baby', now that's a funny one, sort of like a ray stevens song and i could hear misty laughing in the background, i
always liked the original version of 'the franklin grove bum' with g.w. doing the vocals, really good, esp. this one, 'silver
haired rose' has that slight yodelling 50's type sound with greg singing in the background, 'rock and roll' too, how long
ago was this stuff recorded? 'corn whiskey still' still rocks, 'old memories' continues in the 50's cw vibe for me, one of
my faves on this tape, i always liked 'old red' too, and this version is more relaxed with g.w. talking and laughing, i don't
think i've heard 'looking at the ladies' before, a nice clear recording of that one, the other take of 'corn whiskey still'
with greg and misty is real nice and 'plan a good day for me' is also really nice, and then the second version of the 'f.
g. bum' with the and family band and bruce currier playing banjo sounds like a story all its own, like everyone had
a good buzz at that session, 'a prayer away' features some good guitar picking, 'remember me' has this odd vibrato with his
voice now and then, i had never heard this one before, and another 'oklahoma sun', nice song and title, all in all a fun interesting
tape and its good to hear all these g.w. songs on one tape, and as always i wish i could've met g.w. while he was still around
playing, this is a nice tribute to an old friend, great job. (ds). ...
G.W. SMITH VOL TWO, 90 min tape from greg stomberg, rr3 box 167n, doniphan, mo 63935.
IN LOVE WITH LISA SUCKDOG, comp tape from nut music, nutmusic@hotmail.com , unsure if still available, hour tape of a lisa suckdog tribute with underground bands like space ocean, g. willard, infant
mort and more, crude sicko songs like 'i want to die', 'suckdog medley', and more madness, sounds like an old '90's hometaping
project with bands and guitars, and plain weirdness, rough but the songs are pretty cool, and the bands perform allright,
i didn't like the guy talking between the songs so i only give it 2 1/2 stars. + Really
funny and diverse, i liked lisa's spoken word intro and that strange dude in between songs, broca's area did an interesting
dark peice, flowers of darkness is cool for its goth like sound, chaos offered some decent ambient sounds, i like the space
ocean segment, very different than other space ocean stuff, very creepy, funny, must've earned greg a restraining order, mosh
pit rave ups, slow cracking cracked me up, weird backing reverb effects, plus goofy lo fi funny stuff, all in all i like the
diversity. (d.s.). + always ahead of our time, a comp of covers based
on the work of suckdog, broca's area note for note songs, space ocean's suckdog medley, hardcore versions, psychedelic covers
burn down the house, with someday people, dizzy and topless, and intro by lisa carver herself.(?). +
how can one express their love, with a comp tape of course, it stuns me that suckdog covers could be done at a grand scale
but grand they are, 12 tributes to the skin queen of mental disturbance, a better idea than the black sabbath tribute, wonderfull.(dave
s.). + 12 song tape with covers of lisa suckdog sound, color cover and spoken word
intro from lisa, nut music for the soul.(?). + 12 bands doing lisa suckdog songs, bands
like willard, dizzy and topless,space ocean and more make for one weird tape.(?). ...
K64, 90 min cassette from jim hauser, 2604 canty st., pascagoola, ms 39567, $5, jim's band k64 does plenty
of hard rockin thru the midi world on classics like syberite's 'the art of time' and misty stomberg's 'tommy and the beast',
eery and computerized, along with plenty of hits from santana, clapton, steppenwolf and more, midi computer music for the
soul, well executed, tight band from rock to weirdness like 'too much beer', 'monsters in the closet', 'ghostly red moon'.
3 stars good. ...
KCOLLAB 20, CD from ken clinger, 311 stratford ave #2, pittsburgh pa 15232, clinger@duq.edu , $5, order now, clinger is one of the busiest and best musicians around the indie scene, he shows up everywhere with his
keyboard like a super hero, a great guy with lots of music so check him out, this cd has tom furgas, ray carmen, herr purpur,
mjb, lord litter and more performing 25 songs like 'no time', 'miracle', 'streams' and stomberg's 'soft lullabies' is awesome,
different, i love his collabs, and he has free mp3's on the web so look him up, i gotta give him 4 stars great. ...
KCX.17, $5, 60 min tape from ken clinger, of course, order now, ken at his synthesized best, from
rock to classical to weirdness ken is the best keyboardist around and it shows, a couple beatle songs here and there, syberite's
'the art of time' is fantastically spacey and eerie, a rockin country twist with the g.w. smith inspired 'silver city', plus creepy
robot songs, plus more artists like colin newman, even a christmasy 'silver bells', i love ken's work, 3
stars great. ...
KCX.43/44 , $5, CD, compilation collab from ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu , has 'silver city' from g. stomberg, about g.w. smith and franklin grove, lots more from kens overworked synth, 3 !/2 stars
hot. + a very talented and ambitious ken clinger releases another gem in
his vast library of cool music, he's a legend in the underground band scene and does great work, write him, order his stuff,
cool (bem) ...
NO DUB comp tape from spilling audio, address?, unsure if still available check with eric@spillingaudio.com eric hausmann compiles nice performances with no overdubs to create solo works that come off as being done live and it is
great, with musicians like dave schall, bryan keiser, g. stomberg, chris wind, dan susnara and more with songs like 'i like
the silence', 'bitter', 'lament' and 22 more with piano solos, synth madness, guitars, spoken word, rock and even classical,
this tape has it all, terry eason's wild guitar takes the cake, one of my favorite comp tapes, 4 stars good. +
26 bands like schall, susnara, space ocean, live, with no dubs.(?). ...
NO PIGEONHOLES, KKUP, from don campau's radio show, pob 9162, santa rosa, ca 95405, this is a radio show
by and for hometapers, the best in the biz, highly recomended, send him a tape and he'll play it, great show with underground
tapers like dan susnara, g.w. smith, micky saunders, stomberg, and lots more, too many to list here, has even played 'the
ballad of syberite', 4 stars and a pat on the back for don. ...
ONE HANGDOG, comp. tape from dan susnara, 7806 s. kilpatrick, chicago, ill 60652, 9onbali@comcast.net , $5, order now he still has copies, this tape is as good as it gets, the best comp tape of the 2000's, a very creative and
talented dan susnara collaborates with the best musicians around for a sensational tape, with names like ken clinger, micky
saunders, greg stomberg, schmitz, frantz, and nelson, makes this a must have tape, the clinger-susnara song 'name 5 things
you see in the sky' is the highlight here and syberite's 1977 song 'stargazers' is top notch rockin', even 'old mill road'
from franklin grove is on here. 4 star entertainment. + This is a tape folks, in from our collaborating
friend dan, over chi town way, it has some names on it that you long time readers will remember from the heyday of home taping,
clinger, stomberg, schmitz and even don campau, there are some simply beautifull mixes on these trax, the tape has about the
most psychedelic sounds i've heard since the banana peels we used to smoke, intricate compositions that will twist yer head
around to the point where it will take a thousand preists and a junkyard dog to get it back into shape, dan has become one
of the masters at weaving vocals in that keep the listener on the edge, some absolutely fine synth work and nice echo vox
that pan back and forth, this gets our most highly recommended, you haven't heard music like this before, highly original
and creative. (rotcod zzaj). + the sus man gangs up with don campau, mj bowman,
stomberg, clinger, etc. for a wisely chosen set of collabs and instrumentals, drum machines, keyboards, a bit of guitars,
universally detached vocals, and that vocoder, wow. (ics). +
this is the mother of all comp tapes, the quality is fantastic, the music is awesome and the lyrics are great, greats like
ken clinger, campau, bowman, saunders and stomberg are also on here, on top of the world and ready to rock with great songs,
16 of them in fact! great entertainment from the solo 9 on bali member (bem)...
PICTURE OF MADNESS, 90 min cassette from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan mo 63935, order now copies
still available, the band space ocean from 1973 - 2005, this is a fun versatile tape, lots of short amusing songs, i think
this shows a different, more amusing side of greg's songs, songs like 'slum' and 'freeway' cracked me up and there's also
ones i really liked the wordplay mood on like 'meditation', and of course my all time faves like 'the wrong side' (i love
that 'snakes of the bxtch' line) , 'our dope song', and 'and now...' , 'smoke' is also cool, another one born out of excess,
'gassed' has a cool keyboard outro with the police siren keys and all, that one probably has the best keyboard bits on it,
my favorite wordplays so far is on 'nothing', that's some real good stuff there. and 'the easter bunny mummy', which would
make a great name for a band or a cd, it's got that unrelated objects together appeal to it, i noticed greg playing guitar
on a couple of songs himself so that was a surprize in itself, several tunes like 'new world order' have an almost new wave
sound to them which is neat to hear these days, 'easter island' also has nice word images, 'shut your mouth' sounds like it
might have been culled from closing time at a bar somewhere, 'the hag and the bat' cracked me up over the 'eat crap and bark
at the moon' line, it was interesting hearing the original takes on 'stargazers' and others, i noticed a lot of references
to monsters, vampires and the like which is way different for greg, 'the silence' cool words to that one, i was gonna
do a cover of it at one time, 'the shitkickin kid' has some clinger esque keyboard lines to it, the 'one and only...' sounds
like an urban legend, i love the sybarite acid references thruout the tape, cool, 'i'll stick to you' is a real funny one,
'wasting' has some cool lyrics to it, i noticed some pretty good guitar picking on 'monster rush' and pretty good military
style lyrics, 'blue moon' was really funny, 'crank' is a great one too, that one stood out from the others, in this section
the songs speed by like lightning, 'metal' has some great words in it, 'red' is about g.w. smith, 'remote' is another funny
one, kinda new wavish, 'ra' continues on where 'stargazers' left off, 'shine' comes on like gangbusters with some thoughtfull
philosophical lyrics, 'origin' is a review of the life, overall, i really liked this tape for the sheer versatility of it,
there were all kinds of moods and textures here, above all it's a lot of fun and kept my interest thruout the whole tape,
a cool collection. (d.s.) lyrics for all these songs can be read at http://mystic_lonewolf.tripod.com click on 'songs'. + audio collages, funny if not sobering, acoustic songs round
out the tape, the collages are worth a listen to be sure. (dave s.). + space oceans
doings in the last decade or so. (?). + a man's voice somnambulating and some tinkering
sounds, the dreams fell asleep, someone somewhere might like it because it is greg's dream (?). +
space ocean offers a lot of promise, the songs started out interesting enough, pulling electronic sound and music together,
but then they'd end abruptly or meander into nothingness, i liked bits here and there and i wish they had stayed with those
bits long enough to develop them into more. (cs). + small animals making noises
as they are squished by a rastafarian, bugs b goes wild, takes acid and attacks elmer with an a bomb, static and strange thruout.
(nc), + greg comes across with more of his hi fi masterpeices of electronic cut
ups, etc., new songs, remixes, anyhow, interesting. (rb), + the definative study
of organized mayhem, this experimental jaunt into music is daring, the vocals are endearing, the rythms hypnotic and the concept
is interesting, all in all a gallant effort that explores the poetry of noise. (jci). +
extremely simplistic, nearly threatening synth and electronic cut up peices with a child like feel to it, interesting effects
processing. (bb). + one bright and happy day these people who had absolutely
no idea whatsoever of how to play drums, keyboards or synth decided to record a tape, this is that tape so i'm forewarning
you, this tape was annoying, so beware of insanity. (jason). + tape, i don't
know how much but this tape was really demented, or stupid, or maybe even clever, but get it if you want. (necco).
+ a radio playing tape from the git go, an interesting one from greg, sound bites, better
quality than usual and fun to boot. (rz). ...
SONGS FOR THE POSTMAN comp tape from askalice, address?, check ken@kenbmiller.com , or pob 101, newton, pa 18940, ken miller produces a top notch comp tape with bands like the bobs, o. squash, space ocean,
mr mark and more, a real good variety here with rap to game show themes, gospel to metal rock, cartoon music to parodies,
with songs like 'lbj shot jfk', pandora's lunchbox's song 'honey bee' is hard fire rockin, even muzak on this weird styled
tape, 3 1/2 stars for the strange songs with no theme to the comp. + comp tape of varying
degrees of madness like the bobs, pandora's lunchbox, space ocean and more on this 90 min tape. (?).
+ about 30 songs and 90 min long with no theme to the comp songs, bands like leona anderson, nordine,
space ocean, and even the swinging love corpses, a couple beatle songs, couple rolling stones, pretty cool, funny at times,
rocks (bem)...
STOMBERG WORST OF, cd, four songs, 1992 era, from g. stomberg, four song collection of the two compilation
tapes songs greg did for sockeye and eeyore, looks like and sounds like when punk bands would do reactionary songs so that
listeners would react against them into a more liberal direction, cool, sound quality is ok, dated tho, (kc)
+ i very much enjoyed the very worst of stomberg, thanks for the 1992 recordings,
a blast of stoneage recordings from the golden age of home recordings, (cg3)
SUSNARA - STOMBERG, $5, 90 min comp tape, dan susnara, 9onbali@comcast.net , order now copies still available, or greg stomberg gregorystomberg@netscape.net , best of susnara stomberg songs plus cuts from their live 8-05 jam, with classics like 'stargazers' and 'old mill road'
filling up room with the jams like 'silent minds', 'winds', 'justice', and even syberite's 'our dope song' is on here, new
2005 songs even, a cult classic, very interesting to say the least. 3 1/2 stars original. +
i listened to this again while duping a copy for micky and some of it was actually pretty good, considering they were
making some of it up along the way, not to mention sounding half in the bag, ho ho, i liked 'the wind' where greg did his
poetry and dan played keys and sang backup the best, and there were several others that were pretty good too. (sh).
+ i really enjoyed the new stuff greg recorded with dan, my personal favorite was where
they sang 'this is your brain on bush', ha ha pretty cool listening. (ms) +
check it out, interesting little pic of greg and mr susnara, it's nice to know what these audio creationists look like, again,
various projects here so check 'em out. (cg) +
some very interesting songs on here. (wh) +
it was really pretty good. (ts) ...
SYBERITE 90 min cassette from the rock band syberite, $5 greg stomberg, rr3 box 167n, doniphan, mo, 63935,
franklincreek@netscape.net , order now copies still available, syberite is g. stomberg, bruce schwitters, and jim hauser with a little help from their
friends, 'you little girls' is a great song, nice chord progressions, 'stargazers' has some nice snarly kick ass fuzzy wah
going on, nice fingerpickin on 'the art of time', very versatile with a lot of different moods, among my faves were the spoken
word peices, also 'who will still love you' was an instant fave for me, some nice melodic chords, simple but effective lyrics
and vocals and a nice breezy feel to it, micky saunders did a great job on 'nonsense', 'brother' was one of my faves, i really
enjoyed this, i really dig this tape, real interesting stuff (dan susnara). + really
interesting poetry recited, guitars, odd whistle distortions, sounds, and slight percussion.(r.s.). +
a tape of rockish stuff, basic guitar and drum and vocals, much of it sounds like studio practice or jam sessions,
giving a real wandering feel to it all, every once in a while the band gets going. (mike gunderloy). +
an ultra homecooked 90 min tape which presents a wide variety of material, with lots of guitar noodling with riffing and jamming
and plenty of plain old fxcking around, think of fun loving people like jad fair, daniel johnson or jadek frying and fraying
folk rock. (jcm). + the acid rock band sybarite formed in 1977 when poet greg stomberg met guitarist
bruce schwitters and bassist jim hauser at a factory job,, greg's lyrics fit bruce's music perfect and a band was formed,
this is the height they reached at their peak, slight psychedelic forays into the psych rock territory that owes much to the
plain feel of the music and actual implementation, just a loose get together here. (gajoob). +
syberite seems to be having a lot of fun playing with sounds, they use a wide variety of noises and music to create a dark
but melodic atmosphere, comparable to 70's rock bands like neil young, pink floyd, etc., with a twist of gothic chant, if
this is what you're looking for then you're in luck. (j harvey). + the best,
tekno, industrial experimental synth sounds, weirdness, over a dozen songs each side. (?). +
very versatile with lots of different moods, among my faves were the spoken word peices with keyboard effects, like
'wiser fly', great job, also, 'love you' was an instant fave of mine, some nice melodic chords, a simple but effective vocal
and a nice breezy feel to it, right up my alley, micky saunders did a great job on 'nonsense', i really enjoyed that, it was
cool hearing 'and now' and 'our dope song' too, i really dig this tape, really interesting stuff, 'the art of time' was really
nice and 'you're gonna die' had some cool whammy bar effects on it, and a nice loose jamming atmosphere about the whole tape,
sounds like a real good time. (s herbert). + the remaining legacy of
the rock band syberite in the form of their songs, they've got a couple cool drug songs and some other country western influence
songs. (mg). + click on 'history' for history of syberite and all their song lyrics to
record for the next comp tape. +
man, for the longest time i could not get that song ,you little girls you're so old, out of my head! great job (rw)
TOO CHUBBY FOR BALLET? 90 min cassette from the smirking herbert, 7806 s. kilpatrick, chicago il 60652,
order now copies still left, email at 9onbali@comcast.net , a sampler sound effects tape with weird vocals stolen from all over the place, john and yoko lennon started this style
and the herberts have raised it to an art form, 'mars' from the adam g-214 rock opera is on here with sample tape loops like
bush, holly, and even chris farly and nascar, lots of trippy keyboards and wild sound effects fill the void, 3 stars wild.
+ Where did this tape come from? references to england, big egg on the cover, and some weird
mixes, highly energetic, prudently psychedelic, there's the key word, i should've known, it's dan susnara, and he's got stomberg
and nordquist doing some spooky word peices, lots of strange cut ups weaving in and out, sound quality is perfect, dan's been
diddling around with them dials, moving in on the 21st century no doubt, phunky plunking, the musical ideas fly flurry, at
hypo speed almost, nothing gets too much inna groove, its cut and dodge alll the way, thru and that's a compliment, this is
one of the most unique musical experiences i've had in 2001, i just love this tape cuz it reminds me so much of the thomas
dolby stuff, highly recommended and the pick of the year for most creative. (r.z.). +
new 90 min cassette from dan's mumble mumble music, featuring the ever loving smirking herbert to convey important social
messages with about two dozen electronic collage peices from a variety of sources, wild, trippy, (bem) ...
+ and that was quite a trip, to mars and back with syberite and dan
susnara. (smh)
WE SUCK WORSE, A TRIBUTE TO SOCKEYE, from thought balloon tapes, address?, $4, sick disgusting r rated cassette
that i love, with bands like sockeye, volkswhale, eeyore, space ocean, and more, beware, this tape is guarenteed to offend,
great songs tho, 'shut your fxxxing mouth' is one example of the songs, also 'peace is dumb war is fun', 'fxck you dude',
and 'pave the earth'. raunchy, raw and rude, 2 1/2 stars for low quality but this is a great tape if you're into weird songs.
+ 21 bands 32 songs on a 60 min cassette of all sockeye songs, this tape is a must have 4 star collection,
contains mature language, (rb). + doug nut of nut music at info@nutmusic.com has just put this great tape onto a cd, $5, new 2005 so order now, must have 4 star cd! +
the cover says it all , the pope praying saying ' i farted on a poop that looked like you,
it bit me, then it began to sing.' 90 min tape with 21 bands grossly singing about 30 songs like 'fxcking shxt', 'shut your
fxcking mouth' and the great 'cut off your fxcking arm', a disgusting but funny tape for mopheads, the 90's revisited...
WORST SONGS OF ALL TIME jovial milkman music, $4, address?, comp tape from russ stedman, the worst
songs make this one of the best comp tapes, if you like humour with names like fioretti, tom furgas, sockeye, space ocean,
ken clinger and with more bands than you can shake a stick at then you know it has to be good, 'stairway to heaven', 'mandy',
and 'we will rock you' are awesome or terrible, good quality recordings, nice variety of songs and some great bands make this
3 1/2 stars, 4 stars if you like weird al ish tunes. + some of the worst songs ever written
as recorded by sockeye, d. knott, space ocean, clinger, artistic annoyance and more, 90 min tape. (?). +
home tapers from all over creation do their versions of their most hated songs, with fioretti, shane doyle, evan
peta, space ocean, knott, coz, moto and more, get it now.(rs). + the roster reads
like a who's who of the home taper scene with the screaming popeyes, furgas, stomberg, dinuro etc., i like the doyle's non
descript take on 'young girl', very nice, a nice fun take from sockeye, 'hot stuff' is walking and talking, hilarious take
on 'we are the world', and space ocean did a great job on 'stairway to heaven', the best and funniest take from space o yet,
very funny, hilarious take from dino, clinger even cracked me up, don campau did a good job on on an old odd funny song, bizzarre,
overall i really enjoyed this take, i haven't laughed this hard for awhile and it felt good. (ds) .
+ a tape that really lives up to its name, when you have 'margaritaville' and 'stairway to heaven'
on the same tape can there be any doubt? of course these are covers of those awefull songs which makes these songs more
enjoyable, this tape is funny and very enjoyable. (dave s.) ...
AND FAMILY TRIBUTE TO G.W. SMITH, 90 min country / folk comp tape from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan,
mo 63935, order now, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , that's real good, 'jam' gives a feel for how it was with all their friends jamming together, on the third 'guitar' there's
some pretty good banjo pickin, and who's the dog in the background?, synth is pretty good, some more nice banjo pickin on
'banjo' with val in the background, then valerie marie does 'cowboy' and that one was a surprize, micky saunders does 'lullabies',
real good job on that, pickin is fun to hear and it feels like you're at the party, 'g.w. collage' is pretty much autobio
of g.w.'s life, very interesting stuff and very well done, i don't think i heard greg's 'living slow' before, makes me miss
franklin grove, nice spirited take on 'f. g. bum' with g.w., lots of fun on that one, accordians and flutes here too, ken
clinger's take on 'the one and only...' sounds like kraftwerk, good stuff, and the spoken word peice about the panther in
the woods was awesome, nice harmonica on the following peice and 'ode to g.w.' is wow, some real jams, overall a good versatile
tape very personalized with lots of jams with and family and friends like bruce currier, carol clock, misty stomberg and of
course george (g.w.) smith, a very fun tape (ds) + such a variety and range of material
(kc). + and family dorks around with guitar, banjo, and a wide assortment of odds and
ends to create a very enjoyable tape which often features the gurglings of a baby in the background, it sounds as if they
just had fun making this tape and you'll have fun listening to it too. (dave s). + this
tape just wanders with live improvisations of a western bluegrass twist from stomberg's family and friends, using guitar,
banjo, flute, synth, accordians and what have you the material ambles along, cutting in jams and sloopy songs or stopping
to mumble among the members, with missed and flubbed notes, and overall extreme looseness, occasionally things click into
a decent ramble. (pmz). + this is a collection of songs by and family, the songs tended
to run into one another and it was hard to tell when one ended and another began, it sounded like a weekend jam session and
they appeared to be having a lot of fun with it, the music was very pleasant to listen to and reminded me of my fathers band
years ago, the vocals were very appealing and it got better and better as it went along, i think they did a bang up job with
it. (am). + greg calls this country folk jazz but really, like other stomberg tapes this
is much more a document of a gathering of people just getting together and picking and playing old country time favorites,
this tape focus's more on the and family aspect of the members, the spirit is down home and dirty, real down to earth stuff.
(gajoob). ...
AUDIO BEATLES CASSETTE CLUB #5, 90 min tape from the abc club, $5, out of business now but i wanted to review
this tape in case you see one ; buy it! it is great, john, paul, george and ringo as the beatles and solo, news, reviews,
unreleased demos, concert info and more, underground band space ocean does 'rev. #9', lots of cool songs from beatle fans,
it's a shame there'll be no more of these. 4 stars must buy. + tape of news about the
fab four with interviews, alternate takes, unreleased music, etc., mentions under ground beatle songs project by g. stomberg
and home tapers space ocean and valerie marie.(?). ...
BEAK SOUND COLLAGE comp tape from bryan kieser, beak out in a moonage daydream, oh yea, with musicians (?)
stedman, weller, owsley, stomberg, and more as they merge their talents (?) into 11 random spacey songy sounds, strange psychedelic
forays into weirdness and trippy tune land, iron man lands on side 2, songs are nameless with only the artists listed, some
magic, mostly sound effects, good quality tho and some of the tunes were interesting. 2 1/2 stars mind blowing.
+ 12 bands, mixed wounds, space ocean, stedman, kieser and others freak out. (?). ...
BEAK SOUND COLLAGE #2, comp tape from bryan kieser, $5, brilliant? episodes of spontaneous insight or nihilistic
rhetoric? elements of musicians like kieser, jeff olsen, stomberg, hausmann, anglophobe and more bands mixed at random with
sound effects galore, both sides artistically mixed bits and peices from the various bands experimenting in sounds, wild,
weird, what a trip, i give it 2 1/2 stars for no real songs but the guitar is nice. +
comp tape with 11 bands blended together, with kieser plus space ocean, hausmann, olsen and more, madness and mayhem prevails.
(?). ...
CAT, 90 MIN CASSETTE, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , not commercially available at this time, 19 songs from 8 recording sessions, the most zonked out tape you will ever
hear, from the world's highest band, man, 1979 to 2003, synth, poetry, experimental flashback music heaven, an lsd substitute
vibes tape, too cool. (bem). + thanks
much for sending the cool tape, i enjoyed it and your 'worlds highest man' moniker, that would make a great t shirt logo or
a slogan, i especially liked the 1979 stuff, the one with multi voices going on, one reading and one narrating, the stuff
from 1984 was pretty good too, the other stuff pretty much sounded like regular spoken word songs tho i could tell these were
different recordings of the previously released stuff, the diction of the voice and some instrumentation was different, something
really intense here, and what does c.a.t. stand for anyway? (ds) +
c a and t indeed, 90 min lots of synth sound effects, dates, the reasons for this tape are unclear, not available yet, it's
the weirdest freaked out tape, also has rehearsals for greg's adam g-214 rock opera, wild trip. (sjm)...
CLINGER STOMBERG, $6, CD, ken clinger, 311 stratford ave #2, pittsburg, pa 15232, clinger@duq.edu, order now copies still available, or $5 for the 90 min cassette, new 2006, 13 songs performed by ken clinger and written
by g. stomberg, songs range from childrens songs 'blue moon', to syberite songs 'the art of time' to the crazy 'shitkickin
kid' to the rock opera 'adam g-214' to the country western g.w. smith related 'the one and only' , lots of fun, 4 stars hot
as howard stern. + 13 songs from the magic of ken clinger and the lyrics of
greg stomberg, probably the best ken has to offer as his music fits gregs words seamlessly, a good example of both their workings,
four stars great. (bem). + this is the cd to get,
the music of keyboardist clinger and the lyrics of beat poet stomberg, a good fusion of a multi talented duo, the best of
their best, a real must have for your collection. (?). +
the new 2006 90 min tape has a few extra tracks not on the cd, very interesting tunes with lots of faves, a must have for
fans of kc or gs, great cd and tape. (sjm)..
COOK, STOMBERG AND HULTQUIST, 90 min tape from greg stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, not commercially
available but pick it up if you see one, dave cook, greg stomberg, and rick hultquist rock the house down.
+ dave cook on guitars and vocals, greg stomberg on percussion and backup vocals
and rick holtquist on bass, recorded in a basement or an apartment in oregon, il, speed rock, smoke and oil with amphetamine
riffs, old rockin tunes like 'in a minute', 'as tears go by', 'i hear you knocking' and more, an interesting rockin little
listen, some songs are excellant, some low quality, some jams, roughly 40 songs, circa 1980 (bem)
+ rock the house down with this collection of old classics like 'time to time', 'angel
say no' and even david allen coe, a beer drinking rip roaring toe tapping tape with an attitude, loud. (?).
+ the jam practice tape was a lot of fun and it brought back aa lot
of memories for me, my favorites on the tape were 'jewel eyed judy', a rare one, a good choice, and 'powderfinger' an all
time fave of mine, sounds like they were all having a good time here, and you will too, great cover art too. (sh).
+ greg rocks the classics, i hear strains of 'la grange',
and 'sunshine of your love' sounds like they were having fun on that one, 'pushin too hard' is an old fave of mine, halfway
decent solo on that, i got a kick out of the 'are you on drygs' line, and greg's response was appropriate,i'm hearing the
cars now, i used to do that song too, this tape is sort of like reliving the garage band jams from way back when, great, i
can still taste the old style and the mexican, just crank it up and let it rip, i'm hearing the dave edmunds chestnut 'i hear
you knockin', another fave of mine, some slide playing, cool, now they're doing the byrds 'feel a whole lot better', and i
used to do that one too in my old band aftermath, the last few songs sound pretty much the same chord pattern, then another
take of 'knockin', some nice slide on this one, followed by some boogie woogie stuff with nice 50's type leads on it, the
badfinger 'no matter what' sounds like joe walsh at times, the fast part on it really rocks, another shuffle beat withdistant
vocals, some more decent blues, the recording quality gets better here, 'jewel eyed judy' is a rare old fleetwood tune, a
nice take on that, 'as tears go by' is a great one, 'powderfinger' is one of my fave neil young tunes, a nice david allen
coe song, almost sounds like g.w. smith, these guys sound like they were in the right moood for these rockin tunes, overall
a real fun tape, this brings back all kinds of memories of various garage bands, jams, etc., a nice one, hearing these old
tunes was at least entertaining. (ds)...
THE DR DEMENTO SHOW, radio program and we're all getting demented from the crazy whacko songs from the king
of madness dr d., plays a lot of funny homegrown tapes like stomberg's 'let's have a scary christmas', weird al, ray stevens,
spike jones, and more, 4 star nutty crunch great. ...
G. W. SMITH ; BEST , 90 min cassette from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan mo 63935, franklincreek@netscape.net , order now, copies still available, g.w. and bands like micky saunders, bruce currier, carol clock, stomberg and family,
it was a treat to hear both versions of the 'franklin grove bum', g.w.'s take had a more waltzy beat to it, i liked 'corn
whiskey still' and the spring in the sky' the best so far, as well as two more versions of 'old mill road', fleshed out, ken
clinger does some great tunes, everything else was really great, i really got a kick out of 'old red', and liked 'soldier
for jesus' a lot, all the tunes are really a lot of fun.(ds) + this tape is priceless,
extremely cool, great (jim hauser), + country western music that's mainly simple
guitar and somewhat hangdog vocals. (mg). + billed as original country western music
this is a homey little collection, finger pickin guitar and meandering c w numbers which sound as if they were recorded after
supper on the porch, 'corn whiskey' and 'his undying love' are listed and jesus is sung about but i don't know in what context,,
the classic 'don't tape this' protest was heard once followed by more inspired performances, i come away glad that these folks
are making music. (kf). + songs by western folk singer g.w. smith and family, religious country western
stuff, ear of corn material, honest fxcking shxt from the heartland of the good ol usa. (dave s.). +
i must admit one thing, beneath the low budget sound there lies genuine talent, songs written and performed by g.w. smith,
and despite static and live quirks they really entertain, if you like folk ballads this tape is for you. (jci).
+ this is exactly the sort of thing for which indie tapes are best suited, sort of serving as a documentary
of g.w. smith, loose friendly porch front country western music, mainly smith on guitar and vocals and a few others on the
porch including an occasional piano or simple percussion, you are definately transported to where they are, (bb).
+ strumming and picking country orientated tunes with a bit of percussion and keyboard thrown
in for spice, pretty enjoyable stuff, relaxcing music for a cold snowy night. (eoc). + george g.w.
smith plays some downright nice stuff, only its the kind of stuff that ought to have him named lonesome george, or laconic
smith or rodeo wayne, its moonshine porch music, white trash down and dirty, southern fried country music that sits just right
in yer ears, with a childs voice, off kilter harmony, harmonica, and even tambourines. (cs). +
the best of g.w. smith, nice music, now on cd, too, original country western folk music, great. (rrt). +
this one is a bit off the beaten path it features country western singer g.w. smith and other folks, presumeably and
family, together with nippets of lyrics of cowboys, a lot of it strikes me as sort of maudlin.(mg). +
a rather rough hewn collection of songs from smith who is a country western folk singer, there's a lot on loneliness
and the need for friends, on family, and the scenery on the old west. (d). + sparse edition
gives this the gutsy feel of a folkloric document, smith has obviosly lived his life in the country and the songs are well
worth the money, they obviously come from his experiences and convey an authentic feel for rural western america. (?).
+ for a history of g.w. smith and family goto the web site http://mystic_lonewolf.tripod.com and click on gwsmith...
G.W. SMITH VOLUME ONE CD, $6 from g. stomberg, same as side a of the g.w. smith best above. ...
G.W. SMITH VOLUME TWO CD, $6 from g. stomberg, same as side b of g.w. smith best above, the best of g.w.
smith, i liked the 'spring in the sky' , 'old mill road', and 'soldier for jesus' a lot, but all the tunes are really a lot
of fun, g.w. would be real happy with the way his music is getting out to people, i know all the kids appreciate it, micky
s. did a real great take on 'lullabies' too, cool photo on the cover.(ds). + great, i
really enjoyed it. (arm). ...
IMMP radio program plays underground bands, like 'i like the silence' from stomberg, lots more underground
faves. ...
KCOLLAB.02, $5, cd, KEN CLINGER, CLINGER@DUQ.EDU, order now ken has lots of cd's left, has syberite's 'the art of time' and many more. ...
KCOLLAB.03/04 cassette or cd from bovine productions, clinger@duq.edu , ken clinger names his tapes according to a self devised scheme, collab peices have songs that involve other people but
weren't part of a full tape collab project, the peices reflect different approaches and attitudes involved so the sound quality
and recording styles vary quiet a bit, artists involved on this one include salvatore, ray carmen, hoffman, silly pillows,
miz ellen, space ocean and more, songs include such faves as 'in the mood to moo', and bossy the cow', (b.b.)
+ also includes the clinger stomberg kieser mix of 'the art of beak two time', a long experimental
version, 3 stars good quality. ...
KCOLLAB.05, , cd, $5, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu, has the g.w. smith related 'silver city'. ...
KCOLLAB.08 , cd, $5, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu, has the legendary song 'the shitkickin kid' and lots more. ...
KCOLLAB.15, CD, $5, ken clinger , clinger@duq.edu , has 'i like the silence' from g. stomberg and many many more. . ...
KCOLLAB.16, cd, $5, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu , has the childrens song 'treasure on the blue moon from stomberg and lots more collab songs from kc. ...
KCOLLAB.17, CD, $5, KEN CLINGER, clinger@duq.edu , has 'the one and only...' concerning g.w. smith and franklin grove and lots more songs, ...
KCOLLAB.18, CD, $5 , clinger@duq.edu , has the song 'utopia's garden' from the rock opera adam g-214, 2073 a.d. and many more songs from kc. ...
KCOLLAB.19, CD, $5, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu , has 'adam' from the rock opera adam g-214, 2073 a.d., plus lots more musical magic from kc and friends. ...
KCOLLAB.21 CD, $5, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu, comp cd with bowman, stomberg, herr purpur and more, 'on sunday' is a very pop rock song, great tune, nice guitar at the
end, susnara's 'on moonbows' was very different, nice, campau's 'liquid camera' was real funky stuff, i like it, 'brink' was
upbeat and a smash hit for furgas, i liked 'marious', 13 'boogie' from mjb was excellent, spacey and very moving, 'yuletides'
was a real funny story, 'clowns' has an excellent sound, 'self portrait' is real moody and nice, a self portrait, i really
think 'thinking' from the adam g-214, 2073 a.d. rock opera is the best song on here, the music is excellent, and movingly
moody, the vocals are fantastic and the message still gives me the chills, one of kc's best songs ever! 'gather' sounds real
cool, nice synth sounds and lyrics. a day with really cool music and kc songs, this is one of his best collab cd's yet, very
enjoyable with lots of variety, 4 stars great. ...
NOT A SECOND TIME 7th supplement to the catalogue of beatles songs sung by other artists, compiled by steve
willis, pob 390, mccleary, wa 98557, the second largest collection of beatle songs in the universe, bands galore, with grebmots,
stoopids, nugent, space ocean, chipmunks, retardos, stomberg, susnara, clinger, saunders, beatlemania and more, you name them
and they probably have a beatle song here, trades, he's the best. ...
OLD MOTHER BLENDER hour comp tape from k d schmitz, pob 1806, pokeepsie, ny 12601, order now copies left,
fairy tales for adults mixed and blended together for mostly short funny songs and stories, from haggis, houdini, mcghee and
more with titles like 'green toes', 'the art of time', 'silver city', syberite's 'nonsense' and stomberg's 'shitkickin kid,
plus whimsical tunes to make you smile, 2 stars kid, + For old mother blender i
asked people to send me their own twisted tales of nursery rhymes and fairy tales then i added accompaniment based on processed
samples of 3 year old kayla's toys, this is pretty experimental, try it if you want to try something different and extremely
unusual, listed as one of the top five releases of 1996 by ken miller in autoreverse zine #3, spoken word contributions from
m. houdini, g. mcghee, stomberg, daughters of houdini, maestro takatak and even kayla schmitz (kds.) +
have your kids gone to the blender? kds mixes stomberg, carnival girls, houdini and more, very different and even original.
(?). + kds mixes carnival girls, houdini, stomberg and more into an original sound collage
with stories, poems, etc., cool (?). ...
PAPOOSE collage comp 90 min tape from the smirking herbert, 7806 s. kilpatrick, chicago il 60652, sir herbert
of smirk produces another wild trippy sound collage tape using some under ground bands like micky saunders, clinger and more,
'brother' from joan currier is on here as well as 'laws' from the adam g-214 rock opera but the rest is lots of samples and
sounds from manson, moore, groucho and a cast of thousands with pop ish keyboards in the background. 3 tekno poppy stars.
+ A 23 track 90 min release, previous releases from this incarnation have taught me to expect the
unexpected and even more unexpected stuff, seriously fxcking weird, electronic beeps, burps, and farts combine to form
a cacophony of epic proportions, then it switches back to a long lounge music style, but the sampled and distorted voice of
charlie manson is there to remind us that there's always something sinister just around the corner, 'brother' is a poem by
g. stomberg which has some fine musical backing going on, freaky chantings, evil laughter, hypnotic beats of 'cool out in
a space room (laws)', this tape has enough ideas and varietys of sounds and styles to hold my interest all the way thru, overalll
a commendable peice of work. (mark). + Silly is the first word that comes to mind, completely
inoffensive, there's asinine bleeps and blips but isn't there always, fairly clever titting about experimentation.(gary s) ...
POP DONE ET HIMSELF 90 min comp tape from thought balloon tapes, tony boies, info@nutmusic.com , more rude crude humor from tbt with bands like the someday people, b. richardson, space ocean, finn mccool, and more doing
about 30 songs with titles like 'homework', 'wheelchair full of old men', 'shut your fxcking mouth' and even more sicko songs,
'cold icy fingers' is funny folk music while 'sensitive man' is pretty punkish, 'you're my girl' is way cool. 3 stars
hot. + comp tape of some of the most unappreciated bands in music today, only $4.(?).
+ tbt does it again on this comp tape of homegrown music by the likes of sockeye, volkswhale, someday
people and more. (rb). + its a winner, i got lots of faves on this one, lots of fun. a variety, the
trouble with larry, lost dog, strange lyrics and mood, finn mccool has a nice moody song, oliver squash, cool scary psych
stuff, even nutsludge, great tape. (ds) ...
POR MADRE hour comp tape from umm recordings, mixed by d. knott, in a tribute to moms everywhere with
bands like crut, monkey bubbles, 3cd, king lava, space ocean and more, 10 songs with titles like g.w. smith's 'take care of
mother', and 'mothers new world order', some funny, some sad, '5/9' is hilarious with mom yelling to turn it down, hard rock
to country to new age synth, 3 stars for mom. + comp tape from umm, 10 bands play tribute to mom, g.w. smith stands out and
space ocean kicks butt. (rb). + 10 bands do 10 tributes to that woman we owe our lives
to, from humorous to sentimental, styles range from rock to country to rap, great idea for a comp tape, concept is cool, favorites
are monkey bubble and crut, worth having. (dave s). + 10 artists doing a song each to
mom, ranging from country to pop to punk to rap to space age kick axs music, from sombre to happy to insane on this very funny
tape.(?). ...
RETRO ; SYBERITE, 90 min tape, gregorystomberg@netscape.net, cool cover art, a different version of 'you're gonna die', it's shorter, i always liked syberite's take on 'the art of time',
it reminds me of old fleetwood mac, this is probably one of the guys' best tunes, is that a distorted bass on 'a lot better'
or is it a guitar? cool gnarly feedback sound, i like it, 'who will still love you' is another all time fave, a 'bit of nonsense'
is a nice breezy moody song, it's great these old recordings, didn't hiss out from the effects of time, 'i'm so sorry' is
a nice one, with some jefferson airplane 60's sounding lead guitar on it, the main chords on this one are similar to george
harrison's 'my sweet lord', some cool gnarly wah and rythm distorted guitar on 'after test', nice rythm acoustic guitar section
following that, 'dope song', same goes for 'the ritual of ra', now i'm thinking these were both clean electric guitars,, 'early
guitar' is pretty good too, who's playing all these hits? the side b version of 'you're gonna die' is the longer one i've
heard before, overall a very fun tape, with quite a bit of cuts on side one that i've never heard before, excellent tape,
highly recomended. (ds). + interesting
how syberite sounds quite alternative even though the term did not exist at the time these recordings were made, thanks, great
tape. (kc). +
man for the longest time i could not get that song, you little girls, out of my head! great job, (rw)...
SAUNDERS STOMBERG, $5, cd from micky saunders, pob 1749, chino hills, ca 91709, mickysaunders73@yahoo.com , cd still available order now, has micky saunders performing 3 songs from greg stomberg, 'lullabies' is a nice slow classic
tune, the syberite song 'a bit of nonsense' is good hard rockin and 'midnight gardens' from the rock opera adam g-214 is hauntingly
beautiful, the lyrics are gothic and the vocals are fantastic while the backwards guitar is awesomely psychedelic, a 4 star
must have. + a nice three song cd merging the unlikely talents of master songwriter
greg stomberg and beatle ish musician micky saunders, comes off quiete well, 'midnight gardens' is absolutely beautifull and
worth the price alone just for that one song, 'lullabies' is a slow sleepy classic, and 'nonsense' rocks, a good combo of
two alternate rockers with something to say. (bem). +
micky saunders is the queen of indie rock and greg stomberg is the king of beat poets and together they reign supreme at home
taper land, really, this is a great cd even tho it only has three wonderfull songs, a real gem, (sjm)...
+ you were just lulled to sleep by micky saunders performing 'lullabies',
among other songs, by greg stomberg. (smh). +
it was really pretty good. (ts) +
i'm glad to have this best of cd since i need material by her for the bovine music show, old and new stuff that hasn't been
on cd yet, good job ms and gs. (bms)... + greg
is quite the poet and micky is great, the first song may have been hard to hear but the other two were absolutely great, good
job, thanks greg, (js).
STOMBERG 90 minute compilation tape or 23 song cd, $5, g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , order now still available, stomberg songs from Syberite, Adam G-214, the shitkickin kid, and And Family as performed by
other bands, i enjoyed hearing all those great stomberg songs again, its cool to hear all the different versions of these
songs, i enjoyed the whole tape, that pascal crut, jb, version of the 'kid' was hilarious, i laughed and i'm still laughing
now, dan susnara did a great job on 'old mill road', everyones versions of the songs were way cool.(ms). +
i really liked the music, it sounded real good. (aom). + i liked the pascal crut version
of the 'shitkickin kid', really funny, clingers take on 'the art of time' is really nice, and his version of 'utopia's garden'
was nice and moody, i liked it a lot, a loose jamming atmosphere prevailed thru out, really cool. (ds). +
the revised best of, as well as being more up to date the sound quality is great too, and of course i liked the number of
settings included (kc). + it's very cool, ha ha, the pascal crut version of the shitkickin kid
still cracks me up and it's good to hear all these songs again in one collection pretty far out stuff with clinger, susnara,
stomberg, kds, hauser, goff, campau and more. (micky). +
a picture of madness cassette only instead of space ocean it has bands like susnara, saunders, clinger, volkswhale and more,
varying degrees of madness and insanity, tho expertly put together, a collection of great songs with good quality from metalstorm,
a cool comp tape with some real possibilities. (bem). +
thabnk you for the music and songs, i played the tape and some of the music and songs were pretty good, some strange, the
halloween christmas song was pretty cool and one of the guys singing reminds me of jim morrison of the doors, the girl isn't
bad either, some strange unusual sounds on the tape were something i've never heard the likes of before, anyway,, thanks a
lot, great tape, (hew). .. +
thanks much for the latest, i've heard almost allthese songs before on cassette but itsnice to hear them all converted to
cd, and altogether its nice to see 'old mill road' included on this with 'empty gardens', its probably one of my favorite
collabs and overall a nice versatile mix of moods, songs, bands and solo stuff. (ds)
+ i thnk this might be like the empty gardens song, which i like
a lot more.
SYBERITE KNIGHT, 90 min comp tape from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, syberite2003@yahoo.com , $5, sorry, no longer commercially available, songs of syberite from various musicians like ken clinger, saunders,
susnara, syberite and more, such a variety and range of material! (kc), +
it was great (ms). + i don't think
i've heard this version of 'starbuck weener' or 'stargazers' before, pretty cool stuff,, 'nonsense' is an interesting spoken
word peice, 'humble clothe' is some great spoken word with a message, 'time' is cool too,, albeit short,, 'critters' sounds
like an old jam, some new stuff for me on here, and where was 'you're gonna die' recorded, 'syberite knight' sounds like an
extension of another poem with two distinctly different moods, one more psychedelic and the other factual, nice contrast,
'the rise ands fall' is some cool intense spoken word stuff, and 'trio' sounds like another unreleased jam, cool take on 'brother',
the instrumental 'art of time' reminds me of tangerine dream,, 'new millenium' is a nice instrumental too in the alan parsons
vein, very creative, some nice guitar on the next 'art of time' very pastoral and the overall feeling is very 70's, 'and now'
was always a fave of mine, 'a much more wiser fly' is right up my alley, another fave for sure, i like the line about the
clock releasing the scent of flowers, 'destiny' sounds autobiographical, 'tommy' was always a creepy one for me, with the
delayed voices, 'silence' sounds like a drug revelation, i like the wordplay, structure on this one,, overall a diverse and
fun and interesting tape with a bunch of unheard of stuff, very cool. (ds). +
i'm listening to the tape right now, very entertaining stuff, i like the syberite material a lot actually, interesting sound
sculpture, and the songs on this tape have a great flow as they move from one to the other, come and experience it for your
self. (cg)...
SYBERITE ; SYBARITIC VISIONS (WITH THE SHITKICKIN KID), $7 cd from metalstorm, rr3 box 167n, doniphan, mo
63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net new 2006 cd so order now, 45 min. two tracks, track one has 'the art of time', 'nonsense', 'stargazers', 'you're gonna die',
and an epilogue, track two has 'the shitkickin kid', 'the kid doesn't have a lite brite', 'boy howdy', 'hey there shitkickin
kid', 'the shitkickin kid' and an epilogue of course, syberite with guests ken clinger, dan susnara, micky saunders, k d schmitz,
volkswhale, david dz, and even an original 1977 syberite tune, this is one great musical experience, cool cover too, a must
for every collection, hard rock, classical, rap, folk, and heavy metal, its all here on one disc. (bem). +
'stargazers' has some pretty cool riffs to it, and 'you're gonna die' is awesome, where was that recorded? hell? nice contrast
there, overall a diverse and fun and interesting cd with a bunch of funny unheard of stuff, cool. (ds).
THE DARK BEHIND THE STARS comp tape from epitapes, $5, mike tetrault compiled this theme music for horror
movies from 20 bands like skum, a. grieg, zidslick, and more for this choir of angels shedding tears, songs like 'parasite',
'iron man', and syberite's 'sweet leaf' make this a mixed bag of psycho nuts playing for the followers of frankenstein, sounds
like horror movies soundtrack on drugs, 2 1/2 stars shuddering in fear of earaches. +
dark moody bands for winter and more, weird mysterious bands.(?). +
a scary horror comp tape with very cool and diverse songs and sounds on it and a great theme for a comp, check it out, if
you dare breech the doors of terror! (bem)...
THEE FESTIVAL OV LIGHT, 60 min tape from green lion audio theatre, assembled by thomas sutter, another crazy
sampler tape using bands like big city orchestra, cave clown microwave, j. steele, stomberg and more, he mixes these bands
with sound effects to produce wild spacey tunes like the smirking herbert does, a mind trip for sure, crazy man, dig that
far out sound, no real songs, just chainsaws from heaven and synth madness randomly projected, 2 stars insane.
+ a different sort of tape comp, several artist contributed to this but its not a compilation, instead
tom has mixed the bands together and altered it into a mish mash of listening, a different kind of experience, especially
enjoyable because some of my bits are thrown into it. (dave s). ...
THE PETERSON MIXES, 60 min comp tape from jared peterson, $5, mixed up muddled up tape with psychedelic
sounds from space ocean, gajoob, big city orchestra, amk, micky rat and more blended together randomly in songs like 'dehydrate',
'lament', 'ritual' and even more, weirdness prevails, the dragnet drug speech was hilarious, voices, sounds, a long strange
trip with a dentists drill, madness, 2 1/2 stars but more if you like this kind of style. +
a noisemeister melt down of various bands mixed into a weird tape of collage sounds. (?) ...
THE SHITKICKIN KID, 90 min comp tape or cd from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan, mo 63935, gregorystomberg@netscape.net , $5, must order now still available, the first track by pascal crut was always a fave of mine, just total insanity, micky
s. loves this song too i might add, 'middle east peace' must have been written recently during the bush dictatorship, '30
point buck' sounds like another dr demento submission for sure, real fun stuff, 'easter island' has some great wordplay on
it and i gotta say the artwork on the tape cover is really top notch stuff, 'the undead' sort of reminds me of bush's inaugeration,
'i'll stick to you' is totally hilarious, i think this is one of the definative space ocean songs, or at least one of the
funniest ones, 'easter bunny mummy is another good one too, especially the 'white guaze as underpants' line, it's great to
hear all this really humorous stuff i don't think i've ever heard a lot of space ocean stuff before, 'silence' has some good
lyrics to it, nice hearing g.w. smith again on 'old red #3' he was a great natural singer and guitarist, definately one of
a kind, 'thoughts' has some trippy wordage to it, real science fiction stuff, ken clinger does a nice on 'blue moon' real
tastefull stuff, i like the synth sounds on 'if i...', and it has some great lyrics to it, as does 'wasting', i was really
surprized by the different versions of 'lullabies', 'shadow casters' has some great druggy lyrics to it, cool take on 'the
franklin grove bum', banjo and all, with g.w. and crew, nice mood on that one, sounds like everyone had a good buzz at that
session, volkswhale's take on 'the shitkickin kid' was genuinely scary, i like it, 'boy howdy's gone mad' was pretty cool
with chief blackhawk on it, nope, the killer bugs haven't eaten my face yet, that's a great one, and 'apprentice' is really
funny, the words go by fast and create a whole bunch of unrelated images, good one, overall a really cool tape, and there's
some things here and there that i've never heard before, lots of fun stuff on here. (ds), +
an interesting mix of songs about stomberg's shitkickin kid, the beer drinking dope smoking cowboy sherriff, standouts
for me were the ken clinger's 'the kid', space oceans 'hey dude', a beatles hey jude parody, and the spooky 'art of time'
by clinger and stomberg. (rb) + the latest edition of the shitkickin
kid keeps evolving. (kc). + greg will trade for your version of a song,
or poem, or story about the infamous kid,, on cassette, more than 8 bands like volkswhale, space ocean, ken clinger, and more,
write. (?). + comp tape, more than a half a dozen bands from syberite to g.w. smith
and family, has g.w.'s 'franklin grove bun' and 'old red #3', fantastic tape for the kid. (?). +
songs and poetry about the kid from g. stomberg, g.w. smith, susnara, clinger, and others. (rb). ...
+ this one was a lot of fun too, i've heard all these tunes before by greg, but here they
are arranged nice and the cover art is really cool. (sh) +
a kind of historical document of sorts? i particularly liked the medley of styles in the opening tracks for a happy summer.
TIME TRAVEL AND ASSOCIATION $5, CD, ken clinger, clinger@duq.edu , order now still has cd's, compilation collab tape is a best of collection, has 'treasures on the blue moon' from stomberg
and lots more hits, 3 1/2 stars real cool. +
another best of bovine from the fingertips of ken clinger to his amazing keyboard, varied styles, always interesting, he's
always highly recommended, also he has free mp3's and podcasts on the web so check him out. (?) ...
UNDER GROUND BEATLE SONGS, 90 min comp tape from g. stomberg, rr3 box 8911, doniphan mo 63935, franklincreek@netscape.net order now but tape not sold can only be traded for your version of a beatle song, i got a kick out of space ocean's 'hey
dude' on the tape, i really liked russ stedmans backwards sounding guitar solo and general chaos at the end of 'if i needed
someone' one of my fave harrison cuts, and don campau and robins take on 'and i love her' sounds like they looped the
chemical brothers for backing, cool, craig collandro is on micky saunders takes of the 'walrus' and 'it's getting better'
and they got the guitar just right on the latter, great fun beatles tape for beatle fans and musicians. (ds).
+ the series works by trading a cover version of your own for a tape of other artists cover
versions, this tape has a lot of good ones, tom furgas, ken clinger, russ stedman, being the most notable to me, rubber soul
provides the closest resemblance to the fab four, this is a fun comp. and i highly recomend your involvement.(bryan baker).
+ hey, this is a fun tape, and the only way to get it is to send your bands version of
a beatle song, so if you've got one i'd recommend it, the sampler i got had some great stuff like 2 yesterday parodies, 'yes
they're gay', and 'lbj' by space ocean, susnara's 'sgt small aquatic birds club band' is amusing, rubber soul has some good
vocals and stedman's 'lucy...' has a great chorus. (dave s). + this
is an ongoing project by the ubiquitous greg stomberg, send him your cover of a beatle song and he'll send you a tape of songs
others have sent him, the covers are great, ranging from parodies, lbj instead of yesterday, to straight up covers with odd
instrumentation, space ocean even does 'revolution #9' (sp). + a multitude
of bands playing clever renditions of beatle songs on a tape made just for you, very interesting, contributors wanted. (sw).
+ i'm really intrigued by greg's project, he collects home made versions of beatle songs
and compiles them into longer tapes, this tape was absolutely hilarious, with 19 of the most unusual versions of beatle songs
you've never heard, this is nothing like the stuff from rhino records, its completely hand made and features recordings that
are definately from the under ground tape exchange network, trade only tho.(rsf). +
a good idea, send him a cover of you doing a beatle song and he'll send you back a tape of other hometapers who
did the same, the tape i got was absolutely great with keepers like rubber soul, and micky saunders straightforward piano,
mostly, solo contrib, the someday people's for no one' was the highlight here because they made it the cold hearted song it
is, i recomend you participate. (bb). + greg continues to collect
more and more beatle songs, some are way out of here and some are almost identical, an interesting look at a flash in the
pan band from the 60's, he's still collecting so send yours in now. (eoc). + this
is an ongoing project from greg of space ocean, send him your version of a beatle song and he'll send you back a tape of songs
others have sent him, the covers are really great with parodies, lbj, to straight up covers with odd instrumentation, space
o does revolution #9, too, awesome. (?). + bands try their hand at
a mess of beatle songs, some are more true to the originals than others and needless to say that those that stray the farthest
such as ancient chinese secret are the most entertaining, cool concept, and the next volume is in the works so get involved.
(dave s). + this tape is absolutely hilarious, featuring
19 of the most unusual beatle songs you've never heard, for trade, its completely handmade and features recordings that are
definately from the under ground tape exchange network. (rsf). + from
greg's space ocean studios come this little jem, this is a collection of beatle songs, from folks all over the -place, this
is it, new energy to the originals, this is a most enjoyable experience folks, like dave schall, david dziubczynski, and many
others to help you remember john, george, paul and ringo in a pleasant recording, recommended as fun, write him for details
or send a cassette. + this is the second tape i've received from
greg stomberg's collection of compilation beatle covers, the series works by trading a full tape of various people's covers
of beatle songs for a cover version of your own, this tape has a lot of good ones, tom furgas, ken clinger and russ stedman
being the most notable for me, rubber soul provides the closest resemblance to the fab four while clinger and furgas each
provide instrumentals and stedman turns a metal ish 'sgt. pepper', this is a fun compilation and i recomend your involvement.
(bb). + click on 'history' for the history of the underground
beatle songs yearly tape project starting 1991...
WHERE'S THE WATER, $5 CD from don campau, pob 9162, santa rosa, ca 95405, campaudj@jps.net , order now still available, 19 rare alternate mixes, outtakes and collab songs from the great don campau, a rockin mix with
don in top notch form, 'adam' from stomberg's rock opera is on here, also 'liquid camera is real trippy, with synth, wild
guitars, and nice sounds, this cd has underground greats like clinger, c. goff, dimuro, robin o'brien, and more, even a mixed
up david bowie song 'kooks', a great addition to anyone's collection, get it now, 4 stars rockin.
+ new 2006 cd from dj don campau and friends, 19 songs, over an hour of creative stuff, alternate
mixes, outtakes, and collaborative tracks from 1998-2005 so its all new material, proffessional job, great tracks too like
'adam', 'way back in the day', and 'liquid camera' really stand out, order this one! (bem).
+ don campau's 'where's the water' is great, this one contains some of don's best
work ever, i absolutely love 'satisfied', ditto on don and ken clinger's 'liquid camera', this song has some of the trippiest
lyrics ken has ever written and don's backing gives the song a 60's vibe of lost psychedelia, very cool, equal raves go to
'ashes' a real nice droning mood and esotoric ish lyrics, 'where's the water' is fairly out there lyrically too and i like
the somber mood created by the bass and how the changing instrumentation moves the whole mood around, very cool, and of course
don's collab with c. goff is just a total mind bender, goff is a true genius, just brilliant stuff here, and the cover of
'adam' was very well done, cool cd. (ds)...
POSTAGE ; i've been asked to tell you to kindly send an extra $1 for postage for each cassette or cd you order, thanks.
//// ... ... /// ... ...all of these cd's and tapes have gregory s. stomberg performing on them or songs
written by him.
goto www.drdemento.com and request greg's song 'let's have a scary christmas' for this years christmas special.
all music reviewed by greg stomberg unless marked otherwise, some reviews may be slightly edited. contact at franklincreek@netscape.net .
syberite zeke and surf